會員資格 Church Membership


  1. 藉由接受主耶穌基督為你個人的救主並且依據聖經地來在教會受浸。
  2. 如果你已經接受耶穌基督為你的救主卻還沒有依據聖經來受浸,你需要告訴你的牧師你已經得救而且想要受浸成為教會的會員。
  3. 如果你已經得救而且在另一個相同信仰的教會(浸禮會或浸信會)依據聖經來受了浸,那你需要告訴你的牧師你已經得救而且依照聖經受了浸,並且你想要成為教會的會員。
  4. 如果你已經得救但是之前是接受灑水禮或是是在一個不同信仰的教會(不是一個浸禮會或浸信會),那麼你需要告訴你的牧師你已經得救而且想要依照聖經地來受浸並且成為會員。


  1. 因為這是神的旨意要每個基督徒成為一個依據聖經的新約教會的會員。
  2. 這樣你才可以與其他人一同來敬拜主。
  3. 這樣你才可以與其他基督徒一起禱告並且彼此鼓勵。
  4. 這樣你才可以與其他基督徒來服事神。
  5. 這樣你才可以幫助人來相信耶穌基督,並且幫忙其他基督徒還有你自己在主內茁壯。
  6. 因為這個教會會幫助你還有你的家人來認識並且跟隨耶穌。
  7. 因為你相信在台中縣的這個區域中需要這種愛神也愛人的教會。


  1. 是的,當然可以,我們歡迎每一個人來參加我們的聚會。
  2. 然而你沒有辦法藉著獻詩、教導等等來服事神。如果你不是會員,有些時候你會沒有辦法參加教會的一些特別聚會。
  3. 除非你成為會員,否則你無法成為教會決策的一部分。(大里信恩堂就如同其他依據聖經的教會一樣,是由一個牧師領導,並且有其他重生並且依據聖經來受浸的會員來為教會作決定。)
  4. 這樣你也不會討上帝的喜歡因為祂愛本地教會。

How Can I Become a Member of Dali Faith Baptist Church?

  1. You can become a member by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and by being scripturally baptized.
  2. If you have already accepted Christ as your personal Savior but have not been scripturally baptized, you need to let the pastor know that you have been saved and that you would like to be baptized.
  3. If you are already saved and have been scripturally baptized in a church of like faith (a Baptist church), then you need to tell the pastor about this and let him know you would like to become a member of this church. If possible we will ask your former church for a letter of transfer.
  4. If you have already been saved but you were sprinkled or baptized in a church that is not of like faith (not a Baptist church), then you should talk with the pastor and let him know that you are a born again Christian. You will need to be scripturally baptized to become a member of this church.

Why Should I Become a Member of Dali Faith Baptist Church?

  1. Because it is God’s will for every Christian to be a member of a Biblical New Testament church.
  2. So that you can worship together with other Christians.
  3. So that you can pray with and encourage other Christians.
  4. So that you can serve the Lord together with other Christians.
  5. So that you can help lead others to accept Christ as Savior, and help other Christians as well as yourself to live a spiritually healthy life.
  6. Because this church will help you and your family know the Lord and walk together with Him.
  7. Because you believe that Taichung County and this community need a church like this that loves God and loves people.

If I Don’t Become a Member of Dali Faith Baptist Church, Can I Still Attend?

  1. Yes, of course you can! We welcome everyone to attend our church.
  2. However, you won’t be able to sing special music, teach or serve the Lord. Also, there are some services or activities that you can’t participate in if you are not a member.
  3. If you are not a member you cannot participate in the business or policymaking of this church. ( Dali Faith Baptist Church is like other Biblical churches, the pastor leads the congregation, and the saved and scripturally baptized members of the church help make decisions for the church.)
  4. You won’t be able to please the Lord because He loves the local church.