信心的男士 Men of Faith

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信心的男士 Men of Faith

信心的男士(Men of Faith)是大里信恩堂的特別男士聚會,讓教會的基督徒男性可以有機會彼此相交、服事教會並且傳福音給在地民眾。信心的男士(Men of Faith)都清楚,不論是年輕男性、女性或是青少年,生命當中都需要有基督徒男性的陪伴。身為上帝的子民,為妻子犧牲奉獻、用愛心管教與帶領孩子並且專心讀經尋求上帝的容貌,這些都是我們至高的榮耀與責任。希望我們如此努力,能夠討上帝的喜悅,讓祂影響與轉化我們週遭的文化,並且使祂的名得榮耀。




















因為我們罪惡的本性,所有男人都無法成為聖經中的真男人。但是難道我們不會努力追求公義、聖潔與完美嗎?當然會!我們靠著上帝的恩典,因此能夠得勝。我們自己的力量不足以贏得戰爭,但是靠著剛強又大有能力的主,有誰敢跟我們對抗?我們就是信心的男士(Men of Faith)。

Men of Faith

The Men of Faith is a ministry of Dali Faith Baptist Church and a fellowship of Christian men enjoying fellowship with one another, providing service to the church, and reaching out to the community. Men of Faith understands that young men, women, and youth need real Christian men in their lives. As sons of God, it is our supreme honor and duty to lay down our life for our wives in love, to discipline and lovingly guide our children, and to seek God’s face by immersing ourselves in the study of His Word. By doing this, we pray that God would be pleased to influence and transform the culture around us, and bring glory to His name.

What is a man of faith?

A man of faith loves God and worships Him alone.

A man of faith loves God’s Word and enjoys reading, studying, and meditating on it.

A man of faith loves his wife and is willing to die for her.

A man of faith leads his family – not as a dictator – but as a servant.

A man of faith disciplines his children.

A man of faith loves his children and faithfully provides for them.

A man of faith imparts joy, confidence, strength, and love to his family.

A man of faith is not harsh, but is tender and kind with his wife and children.

A man of faith loves God’s commandments.

A man of faith hungers and thirsts for righteousness.

A man of faith hates evil and actively opposes it.

A man of faith is not afraid to speak out against evil and injustice.

A man of faith desires ALL to be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth.

A man of faith will rebuke sin, lies, and blasphemy.

A man of faith is not a coward – he is steadfast and courageous.

A man of faith cares for widows and orphans.

A man of faith defends the innocent and helps the helpless.

A man of faith who can find?

Because of our sinful nature, all men fall short of God’s standard for Biblical manhood. But will we not strive for righteousness, holiness and perfection? Yes, of course we will. And by the grace of God we will be victorious. It is not our own strength that wins the battle. It is the LORD, strong and mighty, who goes before us! We are the MEN of FAITH.